Tuesday 6 January 2015

Microsoft warns for new malware attacks with Office documents

Microsoft warns of increase in Adnel and Tarbir Trojan attacks on Excel and Word users.

Microsoft has warned its Microsoft Office users of significant rise in malware attacks through macros in Excel and Word programs.  In a report published on its blog, Microsoft says that there is more than a threefold jump in the malware campaigns spreading two different Trojan downloaders. These Trojan downloaders arrive in emails masquerading as orders or invoices.
The malwares are being spread through spam emails containing following subject lines accordingly to Microsoft
  • ACH Transaction Report
  • DOC-file for report is ready
  • Invoice as requested
  • Invoice – P97291
  • Order – Y24383
  • Payment Details
  • Remittance Advice from Engineering Solutions Ltd
  • Your Automated Clearing House Transaction Has Been Put On
  • 20140918_122519.doc
  • 813536MY.xls
  • ACH Transfer 0084.doc
  • Automated Clearing House transfer 4995.doc
  • BAC474047MZ.xls
  • BILLING DETAILS 4905.doc
  • CAR014 151239.doc
  • ID_2542Z.xls
  • Fuel bill.doc
  • ORDER DETAILS 9650.doc
  • Payment Advice 593016.doc
  • SHIP INVOICE 1677.doc

And the attachment containing Adnel and Tarbir campaigns is usually named as following :
Microsoft Technet blog says that the two Trojan downloaders,  TrojanDownloader:W97M/Adnel and TrojanDownloader:O97M/Tarbir are being spread at a rapid pace through spam emails and phishing campaigns. Worryingly they are targeting both home PC users and enterprise customers and most of the victims are based in United States and United Kingdom.
As Microsoft has decided to block execution of Macros in Office by default, the trojan authors/handlers add a notification to the document stating the contents of the documents can only be viewed with macros enabled. Upon opening the malware laden Word document or Excel sheet, the victim receives a default security warning stating macros have been disabled but some users simply disregard this message and enable the macros thus allowing the trojan downloaders to infect their PCs.
“The combination of the instructional document, spam email with supposed monetary content, and a seemingly relevant file name, can be enough to convince an unsuspecting user to click the Enable Content button”, according to Alden Pornasdoro of the Microsoft Malware Protection Center.
Once the Trojan downloader is downloaded it then starts to install other more deadlier malware on the systems it has infected.  Microsoft says that majority of invoices and orders sent by users dont require macros however if a user comes across such an order or invoice, he/she should be selective in running such documents or sheets.
Also Read- 

How to detect hackers or unknown people using your Wi-Fi connection?

Sunday 4 January 2015


1) Encrypt your Wi-Fi Network:
When you use a Wi-Fi network for accessing the internet, every piece of data you send and receive over the air can be easily snooped by anyone with the right set of tools. Packet sniffers can be used by even the most novice of users to sniff your data. This means that a hacker can not only see which websites are you accessing but also get the login details of your personal and professional accounts.
Encryption basically involves scrambling the data that is transmitted and received by you while using a wireless network. This means that even if a hacker intercepts your data transmission, (s)he will not be able to exploit the information contained within it.
2) Replace default passwords on your router with strong passwords:
The biggest mistake most wireless internet users make is not changing default passwords on their routers. Hackers utilize public databases that contain default passwords and usernames from virtually every manufacturer. This enables them to change the security settings of your router according to their needs. Using a strong password for your router ensures that hackers and miscreants cannot change your network’s security settings. To change the password on your router, visit Administration settings on your router’s settings page. Also, do not store passwords in browsers as they can be easily made visible.

3) Keep your firmware up to date:
Router vendors regularly release firmware updates and post them on their websites. You should occasionally check the manufacturer’s website to see if a new firmware update has been released. Newer routers will automatically inform you when new firmware is available.
4) When not using your internet network, turn it off:
This is self explanatory. If you are not using your network, turning it off saves you from giving extra time to hackers to try and hack into your wireless network. While it may be impractical to turn every device on your network off every time you are not using the network, it still is advisable to do so during extended periods of non use.
5) Use scary names to discourage Wi-Fi theft:
If your wireless network has a name like C:\virus.exe, most people who might otherwise access your network will not for the fear of getting their devices infected. You can use your creativity to find more dangerous names for your wireless network.

Saturday 3 January 2015

How to detect hackers or unknown people using your Wi-Fi connection?


Facing WiFi speed issue even after having good Internet plan and paying bill on time.
So, at this situation many questions strikes your mind like, “Is there anyone else other than
family members using our WiFi connection?”, “Are we being monitored by a hacker in our

“Does hacker using our WiFi for any illegal activity?”

You have the right to block unknown persons accessing your WiFi connection. So, this article will provide you a magic stick to find out answers of your questions by yourself. I am not discussing this article for Smartphone’s WiFi hotspots. It is for WiFi router at your home or small office.

WiFi speed issue persists when someone else is using your WiFi connection. This could also be a genuine problem if service issue from the Internet service provider (ISP). In that case, you can file a complaint to the concerned ISP and they will definitely resolve the issue.
But, in case there is no service problem and still you are facing speed issue than that could be the case of WiFi hacking.

As you all know, Hacking is the biggest trend among teenagers nowadays,
especially “WiFi hacking”. There are many methods by which WiFi router can be hacked to know WiFi password. After knowing WiFi password, hackers enjoy using neighbours or small office WiFi.

I am going to provide you a method by which you can easily track who else are using your WiFi connection. There are different types of software and apps available in market that could let you know who is active on your WiFi.
Here is a magic stick as software for your desktops/laptops named as “Who is on my WiFi”.

This software will let you know the Mac address and IPAddress of the computers, laptops and mobile devices, which are active on your WiFi.

Download ‘Who is on my WiFi’

software for Windows and Mac OS X at


Nowadays almost everybody is using Smartphone. So, you can also easily detect who is using your WiFi. Isn’t that great?

The software i.e. “Who is on my WiFi”, I have discussed as above is also available for Android and iPhone users. You can easily download it from Google Play Store or iPhone App Store as per your device.

Download link for Android users: –


Download link for iPhone users:


Some other useful apps for your Android Smartphone, similar to this app are also available on the Internet. Like WiFi watch, WiFi Inspector and Fing. These apps will definitely let you know the list of all devices active on your WiFi network.

Download link for WiFi watch: –

Download link for WiFi Inspector:

Download link for Fing (Strongly Recommended): –

Now onwards whenever you face WiFi speed issue. You can take advantage of these software and apps by following their simple process after installation. You can easily find any unidentified computer or device in your WiFi network.

If you find any unidentified device in your network, it is recommended to change your WiFi
password. If in case, you don’t know the process of changing your WiFi
password. You can simply call toll free no of your concerned ISP (Internet Service Provider). The ISP representative will guide you about changing your WiFi password or they will send their Network Administrator at your location.

So finally you can detect hackers or unknown people in your WiFi
connection. Make sure you share this article with your friends so that they can also secure themselves from hackers and solve their WiFi speed issues.

Thursday 1 January 2015


Most of the people use a secret password to secure their computer. This article will help you geeks to Hack a password locked Windows 7 system using CMD.

This method will allow you to remove the existing password (which you have forgotten/don’t know) and reset the password to your like. It’s Simple but effective. Just follow the given steps properly.

Steps to be followed:
1) Make the system have a hard shutdown. This can be done by pressing the On/Off button on your computer while the “Starting Windows” screen is active. Do this as many times until you get the ‘Windows Error Recovery’ screen as shown below.

2) In it select the “Launch Startup Repair (recommended)” and a startup recovery option will appear on the screen.
3) Cancel the “Do you want to use System Restore?” prompt.

4) Wait until Windows has finished repairing your computer. This repairing process will not harm any files present in the system.

5) After waiting, a window will appear saying “Startup repair could not repair your computer.” You will also see an arrow pointing downwards in the bottom left corner (Problem Details). Click on it.
6) Scroll down and click the 2nd link. (Highlighted in the figure below)

7) After completing step 6, a Notepad will open up. Follow the given route shown in bold: File => Open => Computer => Local Disk => Windows => System32
8) Switch from Text Documents (*.txt) to All Files.

9) Now, in this folder, System32, find an application named sethc and rename it as sethc-bak(creating a backup file). Sethc is an application for the Sticky keys program and renaming it won’t do any harm to your computer.
Also, find the application named cmd and create a copy of it in the same folder(system32).Rename the copy file as sethc.

10) Close all opened windows and select ‘Finish’ and Restart your system.

11) When the Password screen appears, hit Shift 5 times. Command Prompt(Cmd) with admin privileges is opened by doing so.
12) Enter this code into cmd: net user[username]* to change the [username]’s password. You will not be able to see the new entered password, so enter it wisely and carefully.

13) After you have successfully changed the password, you can close the cmd screen.
14) Enter the new password you’ve set in the password screen of Windows 7, that’s all, you will now successfully enter the system.
                                                                                                          - REJECTED NUTS